Episode 9: Ways to Volunteer in Behavioral Health
In this episode I talk about some of the many ways you can gain experience helping people in the realm of behavioral health and social services. I was interviewed on the Bold Adulting Podcast, check it out here or on itunes: https://www.boldadulting.com/blog/podcast-season-2-episode-23 Find my guide, that describes what you should consider when picking a counselor/therapist at https://andrewinthegapyear.wixsite.com/aitgy/get-stuff , including the $3.00 version, which you can purchase if you'd like to support me and the podcast :) Check out my website ttps://andrewinthegapyear.wixsite.com/aitgy and twitter https://twitter.com/AndrewITGYears. You can reach me at andrewinthegapyears@gmail.com To contact Masha Evpak about a coaching session: masha@boldadulting.com or www.boldadulting.com. Save 20% on your first confidence coaching session with Masha by using the code "gapyears" or mentioning Andrew in the Gap Years!